Poor Diet Hair Loss: What If Your Hair Fall on the Plate Too?

poor diet hair loss

More and more hair on your comb and in the sink in the morning? What if your diet was the cause of the problem? What if you are facing a problem of poor diet hair loss? All our nutrition tips to strengthen your hair and make it shine!

Six, twenty-four, seventy-two ... You do not count them anymore and yet, your hair is indeed the trunk! Whatever the age, hair loss is at the forefront of hair problems. 

But, have you ever made the connection with what you put on your plate? Yes, the health of your hair also includes a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Decryption.

1 / Bad nutrition: why your hair falls?

Although many factors may cause alopecia such as stress, hormonal imbalance or change of season, diet is a key factor for healthy hair or else it can become one of the causes of hair loss.

Indeed, a diet low in sulfur amino acids (the components of keratin), vitamins E and B, minerals and trace elements can have a real impact on hair growth because hair regrowth depends on the nutrients that the blood vessels bring to your roots. Result? Balanced consumption will nourish your hair from the inside and promote the production of keratin for a dreamy hair to the key!

2 / A good diet = beautiful hair and strong

To counter hair loss, be careful what you put on your plate. Farewell junk food recurring, sweets galore and daily fat dose! Finally, bet on the right foods :

- Zinc and magnesium. You will find them mainly in shellfish, herring, shrimp, soy, Comté, brown rice or bananas

- The proteins. Indispensable to your body, they are very present in sole, tuna, chicken, beef and egg yolk. 

- The iron. It turns out to be an excellent ally to counteract capillary loss! To be found in large quantities in offal, parsley, almonds, seafood, cocoa, hazelnuts. 

Did you know? Vitamin C facilitates its absorption. So get in the habit of starting your day with a large glass of squeezed orange juice for a double efficiency: slow hair loss and bring you a shot of energy!

- Vitamins B. If you look for them, you can find them especially in egg yolk, tuna, mushrooms, liver, cauliflower or lentils.

causes of hair loss

3 / Poor Diet Hair loss: what are the responsible foods?

We will not go through four paths, forget the refined sugars! In other words, cereal products and starchy foods such as crackers, pizzas, pastries or French fries ... Indeed, they have a high glycemic index that stimulates the secretion of androgen hormones and promotes the presence of impurities at the level scalp. Result? The hair follicle refines and makes the hair fall.

The good tip: integrate white meats, fish and / or eggs into your diet, and accompany it all with a watermelon water detox  , the big star of this summer!


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