Stress and Hair Loss - Illness that causes Hair Loss

illnesses that cause hair loss

Memory of our psychic state, the hair informs us about the events of our life: stress or anxiety, taking drugs, food, etc. Some of the illnesses that cause hair loss.

The scientific community is unanimous about the impact of stress on the health of our hair, but less about the depth of the impact. Focus.

Hair loss: a reaction to stress

Physiological reaction

The capillary bulb is very vascularized:
  • Stress has physiological repercussions on the body which result in an increase in sebum secretion, a decrease in blood circulation and an acid toxin production. Thus, the contraction of the blood vessels will result in a refinement of the hair.
  • Stress is also a factor of hormonal reactions  : androgenic hormones are produced in greater quantities, which helps to increase hair loss that is related to these specific hormones. Increased sebum production can result in dandruff and itchy scalp conditions.

"Current" stress or "major" stress

Common stress is the type of stress that produces androgenic hormones . In people sensitive to these hormones, there will be a loss of hair.

Major stress is stress caused by a major psychological shock  : mourning, divorce, accident, etc. :

  • It can cause a "telogen" hair loss that occurs a few months after the event or "anagen", more immediate.
  • This hair loss is mostly reversible.
Stress can appear as minimal but it is not! It accelerates the fall mechanism and establishes a vicious circle.

anxiety cause hair loss

Diseases inducing hair loss

Several pathologies are likely to accentuate the hair loss and if the cause of the fall is not treated, it persists. This is the case in particular:
  • a disturbance of the thyroid gland
  • diabetes
  • anemia
  • lupus erythematosus.
Other causes than stress and illnesses that cause hair loss: drugs, aging, infections, scars, etc.

White hair: due to stress?
The appearance of white hair is also called "canitie".

It usually occurs at age 40 and occurs when melanocytes (cells responsible for hair color) stop secreting melanin.

Thus, the main causes of white hair are age and heredity.

Some studies ( Nature, 2013 - Cell, 2009 ) have shown that stress could also play a role in the bleaching of the hair by participating in the migration of melanocytes to other, more "damaged" areas of the skin (for example by the UVB).

In addition, some diseases have an impact on the production of melanin, and therefore the appearance of white hair: genetic diseases, inflammatory, vitamin B12 deficiency, vitiligo.

Many stress phenomena can affect the hair , lightening it or participating in its whitening. A good reason for taking the time to de-stress, sleeping enough, playing sports, taking regular breaks and ... learning relaxation methods!


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