Heavy Hair Fall Due to Dandruff? - End of a Puzzle!
Often attacked by the sun and the sea, the heat and the stress, the hair rebels and fall or cover themselves with dandruff and that's where the tragic story of heavy hair fall due to dandruff begins.
With a better hygiene of life and the use of appropriate products, you will quickly forget these nuisance inconveniences.
The hair as the skin is renewed in 20 to 30 days. But when the machine is racing and this process accelerates, the scalp can play us wrong tricks. Dandruff and hair loss are the two most common if we discuss the causes of hair loss due to your scalp.
Endocrine Disorders and Allergies, Triggers of Dandruff
If dandruff can be caused by an endocrine problem or an allergy, pollution, stress, fatigue, poor food hygiene are aggravating factors. The desquamations of the scalp that these factors generate develop dandruff.
In men, dandruff is often linked to a problem of hair loss . They appear on oily scalps and form yellowish clumps that are difficult to remove, often causing itching. Dried dandruff is the falling film that is easily seen on clothing at the shoulders and upper back. It is quite simple to overcome, unlike dandruff, which are more difficult cases.
Good anti-dandruff tips
When you are going through a period of stress or imbalance, try some good habits: balanced meals, restful sleep, physical exercises.
Take care of your hair: wash them regularly at least once a week and adopt a specific treatment. If the dandruff is accompanied by redness, itching, it may be seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis, and if in doubt it is best to consult a dermatologist quickly.
Hair loss, a typical male problem
The hair grows constantly. Some die and fall while others are born or are in full growth. Every day we lose about 20 to 100 hairs. This is a normal phenomenon that can get worse depending on the circumstances.
Summer and winter are times when the hair feels easily attacked either by the sun and the sea or by heating and wearing hats.
The stress , surgery, prolonged fever or a too restrictive diet can cause significant hair loss within two to four months after the trauma.
In these frequent cases, the hair always grows back. If you suffer from androgenetic alopecia, however, your hair will fall but will not grow back.
By taking care of your lifestyle and using adapted products, you will know how to fight these untimely falls. Be patient only after several weeks of care that you will see the results. Make an effort, hang on to keep beautiful hair.
What is androgenetic alopecia?
Behind this name "scientist" hides a common phenomenon: total or partial baldness that affects in France about 9 million men.
This phenomenon is due to an important activation of male hormones in certain hair follicles. Heredity plays a very important role: there are families of "bald". In some cases, it can start very early around the age of 17, 18 years and clear the skull in 10 years.
Alopecia usually begins on the temples and then on the top of the skull. There is no quick fix, but we find that the earlier the problem is taken, the more effective the treatment seems.
If sudden extreme hair loss worries you, consult a dermatologist who will prescribe more effective treatment than products that are commercially available.
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