Hair Loss in Men - What Are Common Questions Among Men?

poor diet hair loss

The following are some of the things that most men want to know about the strange things that may make their heads a barren ground. Knowing the answers to these commonly asked questions prepares you answer your son's questions about heavy hair fall.

Let us tackle a few of these:

Who can get himself trapped in one of the causes of hair loss?  Statistics is a little scaring, that 90% of men will not have hair on their scalp by their 65th birthday! 

So what is the chance that my son who is 7 years will have lost all hair in a part of their life? Nine out of ten chance! Therefore, every man with adequate supply of testosterone should be prepared psychologically for bald head.

What can lead to having bald head? Many factors cause hair loss in men. Chief among them is the male hormones androgen and testosterone. Other hormones such as those produced by thyroid glands can also lead to hair loss in men when not supplied in adequate amounts. 

Other causes include use of medicines with serious side effects such cancer chemotherapy; loss of ability of the skin to produce hair due to factors such as surgery or physical trauma.

What can one do to prevent loss of hair in men? There is really no difference management of the risks of having a bald head among men or women. There are however exceptions, for example, you may not reverse genetic makeup that promote bald headedness or tampering with the hormone production. 

In these cases, you may not avoid bald head. The later causes of hormonal imbalance can however be corrected to a small extent. Fungal and bacterial infections that cause bald head can be prevented through observing high levels of hygiene. 

Similarly, poor diet hair loss such as due to iodine deficiency can be prevented through balanced diet or use of food supplements.

What can one do to reverse of manage a bald head? This is a frequently asked question because of the impact it may have on the self esteem of the man. This need for self assurance through image is even more demanded among boy children. 

The solutions are many including use of surgery to plant hair, use of wigs and revitalizing the cells responsible trough use of special shampoos.

Other question border on how to choose a good therapists and how to find affordable services bald treatment. 

This largely depend on your neighborhood. A saloon in an expensive neighborhood would charge more fees but also be better equipped.


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