Causes of Sudden Extreme Hair Loss and the Solutions

sudden extreme hair loss

 This Scared Me to Death 

I looked in the mirror one morning as I was getting ready to shave and could see a very thin patch where once I had hair! I couldn't believe it as I had always had such a big thick unruly mop of black hair. 

I quickly got on my computer and started to research the causes of sudden extreme hair loss. 

The Main Causes 

I came across two main causes of sudden hair loss. The first is genetics and the second can be traced to being under a lot of stress

For men if you look at your father and he has started to go bald at a young age then it is very likely that you will have it to look forward to also. If you are under extreme stress or are stressed long term then this can also lead to it. 


If the problem is inherited in your genes then it's unusual to experience a sudden loss of hair. It's much more likely that over time you will slowly see it thinning, as the hairline recedes you have less to brush in the morning making it faster to get to work but giving you less protection from the sun and the rain. 

There is a hormone by product called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and this is often linked to genetic hair loss. 


If you are experiencing extreme stress then the loss of hair is much more likely to be sudden. By sudden I mean that you run your brush through your hair and see clumps in the brush or comb that you are using. 

If you experience extreme stress then the way it interferes with the hormones in your body can kick in and leave you not pulling your hair out but see it falling out in clumps.

The stress can be psychological which is frequently caused by work but can also be caused by major body trauma if you have experienced surgery or a big accident. 

Medical Advice 

If you seek medical advice and your doctor cannot trace the causes of sudden hair loss to stress or side effects from any medicines you are on then it could be more serious. 

The causes of hair loss can range from a scalp infection or and early warning of lupus or diabetes

If the doctor identifies that the problems is caused by an excess of DHT they often prescribe Shampoos and pills to block the DHT and help slow or sometimes reverse the hair loss. 

Great Resource 

In searching for more information on the causes of sudden hair loss I found a great website here.

I found this invaluable in finding a solution to my problem and if you or someone close to you suffers from this then you should check it out now.


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