What Causes Hair Loss in Young Women Under 40?

illnesses that cause hair loss

There are a lot of factors that become the reasons for extreme hair loss. Hair loss in young women and including men. Heredity, bodily hormones, stress which is either physical or emotional, your eating habits, if you have terrible hair hygiene and other health issues - all of which may cause loss of hair temporarily or even permanent.

Physical or emotional stress, your diet plus other health issues are considered to be just temporary cause of loss of hair. 

I know you're not probably paying attention to these things that is why it is good that you should know this now.

But don't worry because once any of the anxiety-producing illnesses are gone, when you change your eating habits for the better, and also once you start giving proper care to your hair, the hair thinning will also be under control.

However, when the main cause of your sudden extreme hair loss is more of the genetic make up or hormones, then you'll be facing a more complex problem. Heredity is an irreversible condition. You are a product of your parents, and sad to say hair loss is often inherited.

Hormones have an equally diverse effect on an individual basis. In men, testosterone is abundant. 

There are enzymes that affect testosterone which yields a substance referred to as Dihydrotestosterone.

DHT is now known to move in the bloodstream and trigger some other problems, one of which that concerns us greatly is the shrinking of strands of our hair. 

When the strands of our hair get small enough, they are unable to produce and push a new hair through.

It is important for you to know that when aged hair dies, it is not replaced.

In young women, hormonal imbalances could also induce hair loss. Women experience this the most when they get pregnant, giving birth as well as when they are undergoing menopausal stage.

All of these major hormonal alteration and imbalances together with both physical and mental stress greatly affects hair growth. 

This causes hair loss, both temporary and irreparable.

If you don't stop hair loss now, you will start looking old and struggling for self-esteem. Learn about the best hair loss supplements today, all you have to do is CLICK HERE.


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