Hair-Loss and Thinning Hair - Who Else Wants to Stop Hair-Loss and Thinning?

reasons for extreme hair loss

If causes of hair loss and hair thinning are getting you down and lowering your self-confidence, then this article is a must-read for you.  If you read this and make use of the information you learn, you will be in good condition to stop your hair-loss and even help encourage new follicle growth.

Believe it or not, it was determined a long time ago that you were going to eventually start to loose your hair.  

Heredity plays the biggest role in determining if you're going to start balding or not.  What you actually inherit is a high sensitivity to an androgen called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.  

When DHT attaches to your hair follicles, it shrinks them down to a much smaller size, causing them to eventually fall out.

Now you may have already guess this, but the key to preventing hair loss and thinning is to use a treatment options that contains an active ingredient proven to reduce the production of DHT in your bloodstream.  By doing this, your follicles will remain in your scalp and you will continue to grow hair.

This next point I cannot stress enough.  Many people think that their sudden extreme hair loss and thinning is just temporary so they wait it out- possibly for a year or two.  

If these people knew that the earlier they start to address their hair-loss problem the better, they would have had much more success with hair-loss treatments.

One of the best treatments to start with if you're just starting to notice hair loss and thinning is topical products containing the FDA-approved ingredient Minoxidil.  

This is a non-prescription medication that is used to help struggling strands of hair grow.  And as long as it is used soon enough, it has created some great results for many people.

Make no mistake about it: NOW is the best time to act if you want to stop hair loss and thinning. 

The longer you end up waiting, the less viable options that will be available for you to use.  Start using something, ANYTHING, to fight back against hair-loss.

You can learn much more about Minoxidil and why it's considered such a great treatment for hair-loss and thinning hair .

Matthew McAuthor is a researcher and firm advocate of natural hair regrowth and hair loss treatment solutions. Visit his website to learn all about the ingredients he has found to be effective at reversing hair loss and stimulating hair growth once again, visit here.


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